

DPM功能詢問(particle rotation & random eddy life time)

    • luna6362


      但我不確定我需不需要用到particle rotation & random eddy life time這兩個功能?

    • Nilay Pedram
      Forum Moderator

      Translation -
      Hello everyone, I am currently simulating a compressor with a rotor rotating using the mrf method. I want to simulate the escape of oil particles in the compressor. But I’m not sure whether I need to use the particle rotation & random eddy life time functions?

    • Prashanth
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, those are extra particle physics and you can include them if you see fit. Have eddy lifetime model if you want your oil particles to interact with the continous phase's turbulence, have particle rotation if the particles are big and if you want to account for the rotational inertia..

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