General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Concentrate Moment on shell Elements

    • davidtrew835


      I've a problem with a work that i've to do for university. In this excercise i've to use shell elements and apply a concentrate moment on the extremities of the structure, but if i apply the moment only on some Keypoints, the deformation is ridicoulous and absolutely not real. Does anyone know how I can apply the moment along the z-axis in such a way that the deformation is better without having that super deformed area at the moment application points?

      geometry dash lite

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      Point moment and forces are not always very realistic (ok, if we look at stresses away from area of application - St. Ven. Principle) - more often forces and moments are kind of distributed, so:

      Apply it to the whole edge (rigid behaviour) and that should take away the local def.

      All the best


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