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Ansys Learning Forum Forums AIS Japan 構造 LS-DYNA MAT_Wood 定義について Reply To: LS-DYNA MAT_Wood 定義について

Ansys Employee


Automatic English translation:


I was told that MAT_Wood can be installed using the following method. 
Definition method
・Right-click the part for which you want to define *MAT_WOOD under the geometry → Insert → Select command
・Select the keyword (LS-DYNA) and paste the *MAT_WOOD keyword
However, I don't know where to look for the material card that was in the screenshot.
I would appreciate it if you could let me know.
Thank you for your support.



If I understood the question correctly, you’d like to know where to find the keyword format for *MAT_WOOD to then insert it as a keyword snippet in Workbench LS-DYNA.

To do so, one option is to use keyword manager in LS-PrePost software to create the material card (please refer to the screenshot below that shows the environment of LS-PrePost). Double-click on 143-Wood and then enter the properties of your material. Once you’re done, go to File à Save keyword.

After you open the saved keyword file, the MAT_WOOD card is accessible and can be copied into the Workbench LD-DYNA using the procedure you described in your message.