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Ansys Learning Forum Forums AIS China 流体 about transient computation in cfx Reply To: about transient computation in cfx

Yuanyuan Xiao
Ansys Employee

Hi Xiaowei,

Sorry for late. Due to AIS system maintenance in June, your question was automatically closed, and I was unable to respond at that time. I’ve only just now been granted permission to reopen and reply to your question. I apologize for the late response and appreciate your understanding.

The answer for your question is as below:

• The general workflow is:
‐ Set the Analysis Type to Transient 
‐ Specify the transient time duration to solve and the time step size
‐ Set up physical models and boundary conditions as usual
• Boundary conditions may change with time
‐ Prescribe initial conditions
• Use physically realistic initial conditions, such as a steady solution
‐ Assign solver settings
‐ Configure transient results files, transient statistics, monitor points
‐ Run the solver

There is tutorial called "Chapter 14: Flow in an Axial Turbine Stage"


Hope they are helpful to you. Thank you.