Identifying the Location of Model Switch when using SST Turbulence Model

How to plot where the SST-model switch between the k-eps and k-omega models?

There are two variables in Ansys CFD-Post available:
- First Blending Function for BSL and SST model
- Second Blending Function for SST model

The equations describing these variables (F1 and F2) can be found in the Ansys CFX Documentation:
// Theory Guide // Turbulence and Wall Function Theory // Eddy Viscosity Turbulence Models // Two Equation Turbulence Models // The k-omega Models in Ansys CFX // The Shear Stress Transport (SST) Model.

The first blending function is defining where the switch between k-omega and k-eps models takes place. The second blending function is limiting the eddy viscosity formulation.