Ambient Temp Type in Imported Convection from Mechanical to Ansys Fluent

What should be Ambient Temp Type in Imported Convection during 1-way transfer from Ansys Fluent software to Ansys Mechanical software?

The convection coefficient uses "Wall Func. Heat Tran. Coeff" (from Ansys Fluent) or "Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient" (from Ansys CFD-Post). This is based on wall functions and the reference temperature used for this formulation is "Wall Adjacent Temperature" (CFD near-wall temperature).

When using Ansys Fluent, the convection coefficient will always be based on the wall function heat transfer coefficient so the ambient temp type should always be kept as "CFD near-wall Temperature". This option is here because Ansys CFX software users have the option to define the HTC based on a constant value, in which case, the "Ambient Temp Type" should be set to constant to match.