What Do the Parts of SysML Model Do? — Lesson 5

This lesson covers the concept of state machines using the example of a flashlight, which has two states: on and off. The lesson explains how transitions between these states are triggered by on and off signals. It also highlights the function of producing directed light, which only occurs in the “on” state. The lesson further delves into the use of state machines as a powerful tool for representing complex systems by showing different states and behaviors enabled in each state. The lesson then moves on to discuss the activity diagram for producing directed light, demonstrating the next level of system decomposition. It explains how different parts of the system perform different actions, using the example of a battery generating power. The lesson concludes by discussing the concept of drilling down from higher to lower levels in a model, which is common in more complex systems.



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Video Highlights

00:05 – Understanding flashlight state machine

01:00 – Function of producing directed light activity diagram