Key Properties and Performance Characteristics of SysML Model — Lesson 6

This lesson covers the integration of the SysML model with other analytical models, focusing on the analysis of a flashlight domain. The lesson explains the creation of a block definition diagram (BDD) and the establishment of an illumination analysis context. It discusses how to specify full-blown analysis using complex analysis blocks and how to identify the input and output parameters. The lesson also delves into the connection of design properties to the parameters of the analysis, enabling synchronization between the design model and the analysis models. It further explores how the results of the analysis can be returned and represented in a simple table of results. Lastly, the lesson touches on requirements traceability, showing how to connect requirements to design elements and relate the analysis to the requirements and the design.



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Video Highlights

00:05 – Understanding analysis context

02:36 – Explanation of illumination analysis context

04:26 – Discussion on results of illumination analysis

04:40 – Understanding requirements traceability