Aerofoil Pressure in Supersonic Flow — Lesson 2

This lesson covers the concept of aerofoil pressure in supersonic flow. It delves into the mathematical solutions of potential, the inverse Laplace transform, and the convolution of two functions. The lesson also explains the significance of the Laplace transform in solving the equation for phi. It further discusses the solution technique for phi bar and the concept of the Laplace inverse of mu. The lesson also introduces the concept of reduced frequency and explains how to write the solution in non-dimensional form. It also explains how to calculate the pressure expression and the concept of unsteady aerodynamic load. The lesson concludes with the explanation of low frequency and high frequency approximations and the concept of piston theory in supersonic flow.

Video Highlights

02:30 - Explanation of the concept of Laplace transform and its application in the solution.
13:17 - Explanation of the concept of unsteady aerodynamic load and its application in the solution.
34:38 - Explanation of the concept of low frequency approximation and its application in the solution.
66:14 - Explanation of the concept of high frequency approximation and its application in the solution.

Key Takeaways

- The potential of an aerofoil in supersonic flow can be calculated using the inverse Laplace transform and the convolution of two functions.
- The Laplace transform plays a crucial role in solving the equation for phi.
- The concept of reduced frequency is important in understanding the behavior of an aerofoil in supersonic flow.
- The pressure expression can be calculated using the Laplace inverse of mu.
- The unsteady aerodynamic load can be determined using the pressure expression.
- Low frequency and high frequency approximations provide simplified expressions for pressure on the aerofoil.
- The piston theory in supersonic flow provides a simplified way to calculate the pressure on the aerofoil.