Passive and Active Vibration Absorber — Lesson 1

This lesson covers the concept of non-linear vibration, its applications, and the principles of vibration absorption. It delves into the study of different types of beams, such as elastic, viscoelastic, and elastomagnetic beams, and their conversion into energy harvesters. The lesson also discusses the stability and bifurcations of non-linear systems, including pitchfork, saddle load, and hop type of bifurcations. It further explores the use of vibration absorber to control or isolate vibrations in systems, with examples from engineering structures and machines. The lesson concludes with a detailed analysis of a piezoelectric stack actuator-based active vibration absorber.

Video Highlights

02:11 - Overview of practical applications
04:20 - Vibration absorber
08:24 - Literature review - Passive absorber (linear analysis)
11:37 - Literature review - Active absorber (Linear analysis)
16:04 - Literature review (nonlinear analysis)
22:22 - Objectives and mathematical modeling

Key Takeaways

- Non-linear vibration plays a crucial role in various applications, including energy harvesting and vibration control.
- Different types of beams, such as elastic, viscoelastic, and elastomagnetic beams, can be converted into energy harvesters.
- Vibration absorbers can be used to control or isolate vibrations in systems, thereby enhancing their performance and longevity.
- The study of a piezoelectric stack actuator-based active vibration absorber provides valuable insights into the practical application of non-linear vibration principles.