Mixer Non Idealties - Part I — Lesson 2

This lesson covers the fundamentals RF mixers, focusing on the non idealties of mixer. It discusses the challenges of interchanging the RF and LO terminals. The lesson also explains how to linearize a circuit using source degeneration and the impact of parasitic capacitance. It further delves into the problems of LO leakage and phase noise in direct down conversion and the super heterodyne radio architecture. The lesson concludes with a brief history of Edwin Howard Armstrong, the inventor of the super heterodyne radio.

Video Highlights

00:24 - Introduction
05:26 - Explanation of how to linearize a circuit using source degeneration
16:00 - Problems caused by local oscillator leakage into the RF path and spectrum of a signals
39:58 - Hetrodyne and super hetrodyne radios
51:16 - Brief history of Edwin Howard Armstrong, the inventor of the super heterodyne radio architecture

Key Takeaways

- Interchanging the RF and LO terminals in a mixer can be challenging.
- Parasitic capacitance can cause issues in mixer design.
- Linearizing a circuit can be achieved through source degeneration.
- LO leakage and phase noise can cause problems in direct down conversion.
- The super heterodyne radio architecture is a solution to these problems.
- Edwin Howard Armstrong, the inventor of the super heterodyne radio, played a significant role in the development of radio technology.