The Finite Element IDE offers a series of primitive structures under the Structures section of the Design tab which can be used to build the geometry of your design. For a full list of available primitive objects, please visit the related links below. In addition, options for importing your desired geometric structure from a variety of CAD file formats including GDSII, STL and STEP are available.
- Structures: Adds various structure primitives such as triangle, rectangle, circle, etc. A Structure Group can be used to create parameterized structures using scripting.
- Import: Allows importing geometries from a variety of CAD file formats including GDSII, STL and STEP.
- Layer builder: Can be used to import GDS files and build up a layered structure consisting of patterning defined in GDS file cells as well as plane unpatterned layers.
- Dataset builder: Can be used to create an unstructured dataset and then, if appropriate, use the data to build structures as shown below. It facilitates the use of finite-element data imported into optical and electrical solvers (e.g., geometry data from a third-party process simulation tool).