Solver Region Settings — Lesson 2

General and Geometry Tabs

In this video, you will learn about the various settings under the General and Geometry tabs of the FDE solver region object. These tabs will allow you to define the background index, temperature and geometry of the simulation region.

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Mesh Settings Tab and Mesh Override

In this video, you will learn about mesh refinement. For global mesh settings, you can use the Mesh Settings tab in the Solver Region object. For a local meh refinement, use the mesh override object from the main menu.

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Boundary Conditions Tab

The boundary settings can greatly affect the modes you find in the Mode List. In this video, we will introduce various boundary types and show you how to make appropriate settings to find physically meaningful modes.

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Material and Impedance Tabs

In this video, you will learn how to set the mesh refinement and material fitting, and to calculate the characteristic impedance over a specified region.

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