Momentum Integral Equation For Flat Plate Boundary Layer — Lesson 3

This lesson covers the integral method, also known as the approximate method, used to solve the flow over a flat plate. The integral method is used when exact solutions are difficult to obtain due to complex, implicit, or numerical integration situations. The lesson explains the three-step process of using the integral method: writing down the governing equations, assuming the velocity profile, and finding the unknown parameter. The lesson also discusses the advantages of the integral method, such as its simplicity and ability to deal with complicating factors. For instance, the integral method is extensively used in fluid flow, heat transfer, and Massachusetts transfer. The lesson concludes with the application of the integral method to derive the momentum integral equation and find the boundary layer thickness and skin friction coefficient.

Video Highlights

02:32 - Explanation of the integral formulation of the principles of conservation of mass and momentum.
05:28 - Explanation of the Leibniz integral rule.
10:53 - Explanation of how to find the unknown parameter delta.
20:50 - Discussion on the assumed velocity profile for laminar flow over the flat plate.
28:45 - Explanation on using the velocity profile along with the momentum integral equation to find delta.
- Explanation of how to find the skin friction coefficient.

Key Takeaways

- The integral method is an approximate method used when exact solutions are difficult to obtain.
- The integral method involves three steps: writing down the governing equations, assuming the velocity profile, and finding the unknown parameter.
- The integral method is simple and can deal with complicating factors, making it widely used in fluid flow, heat transfer, and Massachusetts transfer.
- The integral method can be used to derive the momentum integral equation and find the boundary layer thickness and skin friction coefficient.