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Buckley Leverett Formulation & Concept of Wetting — Lesson 3

This lesson covers the concept of flow through porous media, focusing on immiscible flow and the flow of two phases. It delves into the Buckley Leverett formulation, relative permeability, and two-phase flow. The lesson explains the concept of wetting and non-wetting phases in a porous medium and how saturation changes within this medium. It also discusses the concept of relative permeability for wetting and non-wetting phases and how to generate a curve of fractional flow function vs saturation. The lesson concludes with the key equation which is crucial for understanding how much oil will be produced in a given region.

Video Highlights

00:46 - Explanation of wetting and non-wetting phases
03:22 - Generation of the curve for the Buckley Leverett formulation
19:08 - Explanation of the key equation for the Buckley Leverett formulation

Key Takeaways

- Immiscible flow refers to the flow of two phases that do not mix.
- In a porous medium, there are wetting and non-wetting phases.
- The Buckley Leverett formulation is a mathematical model used to describe two-phase flow in porous media.
- The relative permeability of a phase in a porous medium is a measure of the capability of the medium to transmit that phase when other immiscible phases are present.
- The equation x = L (f_w prime) v_p is crucial for predicting how much oil will be produced in a given region.