Applications of Hyperelasticity — Lesson 4

There are many uses for hyperelastic materials and the ways in which each of them is handled. Let's look at two example cases of such applications and learn how they are used.

Example 1: Calibration  and Validation of Hyperelastic Model

Every application of this kind starts with properly calibrating a hyperelastic model using experimental test data. It is important to understand the process and the numbers that are obtained from calibration as the nonlinear systems may have multiple solutions and some of them may be inaccurate for our application. In this example, we will perform calibration and validation of one such material to understand the workflow.


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Example 2: Car Door Seal

In this example, we'll look into the design of a car door seal which is used for preventing fluid flow both into and out of the car. We'll model it using a hyperelastic model and also use the analysis results to improve the design.


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Here are the accompanying handout slides for this lesson.