General procedure of failure analysis: Determination of type of fracture III and chemical analysis — Lesson 2

This lesson covers the general procedure of failure analysis and prevention, focusing on aspects like collection of background information, preliminary examination of the failed component, non-destructive testing, and destructive testing microscopy. It delves into the determination of the type of fracture, such as dimple fracture and cleavage, and how to identify the way a fracture has occurred. The lesson also discusses the concept of fatigue fracture and the stages of crack growth. It further explains the importance of chemical analysis in failure analysis and the different techniques used for carrying out various types of chemical analysis.

Video Highlights

01:32 - Discussion on fatigue fracture and its relation to the determination of the fracture.
08:53 - Discussion on the determination of the type of fracture, including dimple fracture cleavage and how to determine the way by which fracture has taken place.
14:06 - Discussion on the importance of chemical analysis in failure analysis.
25:45 - Explanation of the use of electron probe micro analyzer and ion microprobe analyzer for elemental analysis.

Key Takeaways

- Failure analysis involves several aspects like background information collection, preliminary examination of the failed component, and different types of testing.
- Understanding the type of fracture and how it occurred is crucial in failure analysis.
- Fatigue fracture is a common type of failure, and understanding its stages can help in prevention.
- Chemical analysis plays a significant role in failure analysis, helping to determine the composition of the failed component and any changes that might have occurred during its service life.
- Various techniques are used for chemical analysis, each suitable for different types of components and failure scenarios.