Tutorial - Customization in Ansys Fluent — Lesson 3

Setting up an Ansys Fluent CFD simulation can be enhanced, organized, and streamlined with the aid of various options available in the User-Defined Tab. In this lesson, using the hands-on demo for a steady air flow through a pipe, you will learn how to use Named Expressions for specifying a parabolic velocity profile at an inlet to ensure a fully developed profile at the pipe outlet, through which you will also learn how to change units for a particular variable for the user’s convenience. You will also learn how to make use of the Expression Manager for inspecting the properties of existing Named Expressions, check where they are being used, and how to export them in a text file for reusing them in future Ansys Fluent sessions. Lastly, you will learn how to create variables using Custom Field Function Calculator.

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Simulation Files

Download the files here to follow the video step-by-step. Ansys Student can be downloaded for free here.