Energy Consumption per KM - II — Lesson 4

This lesson covers the calculation of torque, power, and energy requirements at different speeds and RPMs for various types of vehicles, including two-wheelers, three-wheelers, four-wheelers, and trucks. The lesson also explores the impact of various vehicle parameters such as vehicle frontal area, weight, slope, pickup acceleration, and regenerative requirements on power, energy, and torque. It further discusses the significance of gear ratios, drivetrain voltage, and the concept of distributed motors.

Video Highlights

00:18 - Introduction
00:26 - Modified Indian drive cycle and its application in various regulatory agencies
07:22 - Summary of four wheeler and its energy efficiency
09:33 - Calculation of the energy efficiency of a low-end electric truck
13:25 - Traction energy used for a drive cycle
16:01 - Summary of pick up trusck and its energy consumption
21:40 - Torque and inefficiency
26:06 - Consideration of drive train voltage

Key Takeaways

- Torque, power, and energy requirements vary with different speeds and RPMs.
- Various vehicle parameters significantly impact power, energy, and torque.
- Gear ratios play a vital role in balancing power and torque requirements.
- Drivetrain voltage standards are emerging as 48V, 350V, and 750V for different vehicle types.
- The concept of distributed motors can potentially increase energy efficiency.
- Auxiliary power and energy requirements are also crucial considerations in real vehicle scenarios.