Consider air flowing at high-speed through a convergent-divergent nozzle having a circular cross-sectional area, A, that varies with axial distance from the throat, x, according to the formula
A = 0.1 + x2; -0.5 < x < 0.5
where A is in square meters and x is in meters. The stagnation pressure po at the inlet is 101,325 Pa. The stagnation temperature To at the inlet is 300 K. The static pressure p at the exit is 3,738.9 Pa. We will calculate the Mach number, pressure and temperature distribution in the nozzle using Ansys Fluent and compare the solution to quasi-1D nozzle flow results. The Reynolds number for this high-speed flow is large. So we expect viscous effects to be confined to a small region close to the wall. So it is reasonable to model the flow as inviscid.