1. Tabbed Toolstrip
2. Toolbars
Edit: Tools used to copy, delete, modify of move simulation objects within the object tree
View: Tools to zoom to the extents of objects
Search bar: To quickly search for topics in the online product documentation knowledge base
3. View Port
This gives you a graphical representation of the simulation from a 3D perspective view.
4. Object Tree
List of all objects in the current simulation. Objects can be placed into groups for easy organization and selection. All simulation objects are within the group named “model”.
5. Result View
Shows a list of all the results for the simulation object that is currently selected in the Object Tree.
6. Optimization and Sweep
This is a graphical tool for setting up and running parameter sweeps, optimization, or Monte Carlo analysis tasks.
7. Script Prompt
Executes commands as soon as the ENTER key is pressed on the command line.
8. Script Editor
Allows you to execute a set of commands in a script file. The script editor window contains buttons to create, open, save and run script files.
9. Script Workspace
Shows all the variables in the current scripting environment.
10. Script Favorites
Allows you to define your own favorite script commands and run them from the graphical user interface.
In this video lesson, you will learn how to set up the Mie scattering simulation as your first simulation in DGTD. A completed simulation project file can be downloaded below if you do not want to follow along with the video or want to compare your setup with this file as a reference.