Theory Quiz — 5G Cross Dipole Antenna Array

Total time - 20 mins.

Total number of Questions - 10

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5G Cross Dipole Antenna Array — Theory Quiz



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1 / 10

What is the purpose of spatial diversity?

2 / 10

In a cross dipole antenna, what is the angle between the two radiating elements to achieve dual polarization?

3 / 10

Which of the following is not a type of polarization?

4 / 10

For spatial diversity, what is the distance between two antennas?

5 / 10

Which propagation effect does a diversity scheme try to mitigate?

6 / 10

Which of the following solution type provides excitation values in terms of voltage and current in Ansys Electronics Desktop?

7 / 10

Which port type can be used to create an infinite array in Ansys Electronics Desktop?

8 / 10

What can you do to visualize the 3D gain plot at the center of an array If center of array does not coincide with origin of global coordinate system?

9 / 10

What steps are necessary to create a 3D Component from HFSS design in Ansys Electronics Desktop?

10 / 10

How do you access the Create Array command in Ansys Electronics Desktop?

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