

When I write an input file for Abaqus via the “output” tab, only the node definitions are in the input file and not the element definitions, The ELSET definitions are missing.

    • FAQFAQ

      For Solver output from ICEM, only families/parts which have an element type definition and a boundary condition will be written out to structural solvers. Other elements will be omitted. If you need more than the pure node definitions in your Abaqus input file but also the ELSET definitions, you have to apply an element type definition and a boundary condition to the respective families/parts. You can also change the ICEM Settings to include the Mechanical Preprocessing Tools. Doing this will add Tabs to the ICEM Viewer, including an FEA Solve Options tab. The FEA Solve Options are specially designed to create meshes, apply boundary conditions, constraints, loads, etc. and write complete input files for structural analysis solvers ANSYS, NASTRAN, LS-Dyna, Abaqus and AUTODYN.