When I create a mesh in ANSYS Meshing and import it to Forte, a check of the surface mesh gives the following error: Checking surface mesh… Estimated time: 9 seconds Exiting with status 34789 34789 vertices in the surface mesh have problems What could the problem be? The mesh is a valid Fluent mesh.
Tagged: 19.1, fluid-dynamics, Forte, Geometry Preparation, pre-processing
June 5, 2023 at 7:06 amFAQParticipant
The problem is most likely that some, or all, of the surface normals are inverted. (Forte requires outward surface normals for valid surface mesh.) Below are some things to try: 1. The default setting in the Forte Import Options for Fluent is to invert surface normals on import. Try importing your mesh without this setting active 2. If step 1. still results in Problem Vertices, then it is possible that only some surfaces have inverted normals. Identify these by right-clicking on Geometry in the Visibility Tree (on right or left of viewer window, depending on Forte Preferences) and turn on Normals. 3. The problem surfaces will show as having normals pointing inward. 4. In the Geometry tree to the right of the Forte viewer window, right-click each of the problem surfaces in turn and select Invert Normals 5. Recheck the mesh NOTE: If the surface normals are inverted on only part of a surface: 1.Right-click on the surface with the bad normals in the tree on left and select Split Mesh. 2. Choose the Split Option “Feature Angle” and set it to 175 degrees. 3. Since normals for the faulty part of the surface are oriented 180 degrees from the other surface normals, the inverted surface patch will split off into a new surface. 4. The normals on this new surface can now be inverted as in 4. above. These steps are also demonstrated in the following You Tube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VPLb9K2bhQ
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