

What are the limitations on using the $ (dollar sign) for condensed input with Mechanical APDL?

    • FAQFAQ

      See the beginning of the “ANSYS Commands Reference” section 1.3.4 which states: An option for condensing the data input is available with the $ character. This character effectively ends a command and allows the next command to begin on the same line (at the next column). The line must not extend beyond 640 characters (including all commas and $ signs). If a command cannot be completed on the line, it should begin on the next line. Blank commands are ignored. The $ character should not be used following any command that causes a file switch to read additional commands (such as the /INPUT, *USE, CDREAD, etc. commands, any “unknown command” macro, or any do-loops or if-then-else constructs). The $ character should not be used between a command and its required following format line (such as *VREAD, *VWRITE, *MSG, etc.). The $ character should not be used after the ALLSEL command. Using the $ character in interactive mode may result in unexpected output behavior.