

What are the limitations of PUMA ( polyhedral unstructured mesh adaption)?

    • FAQFAQ

      The PUMA method has the following limitations: It is only available for 3D cases. Non-convex polyhedra are not guaranteed to be refined; they will be skipped if it is not possible to yield child cells that have a positive volume and an acceptable orthogonal quality. The adapted mesh is very likely to include polyhedral cells, which are incompatible with dynamic layering and remeshing methods other than CutCell zone remeshing. The writing of adaption hierarchy and refinement history to file is only supported when writing in the hierarchical data format (HDF). For all other formats, the hierarchy information is lost when a mesh adapted using this method is written to a case file, and so there are limitations if the mesh is read into a new session of ANSYS Fluent: coarsening is not possible, and further refinement would produce different results than if it was performed in the original session. For details about HDF, see Reading and Writing Files Using Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) in the Fluent User’s Guide. The PUMA method cannot be applied to meshes that have a mesh hierarchy (for example, hexcore-type meshes). You may be able to remove the mesh hierarchy by converting the mesh to polyhedra using the mesh/polyhedra/convert-hanging-nodes text command, or (for cases that have undergone hanging node adaption) by coarsening back to the original mesh. Anisotropic refinement is not supported.