Question: License Manager installation on Linux systems fails at the configuration stage with ‘Tomcat’ error messages: install.log: ========= Performing licensing configuration via the following command… “/home/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/bin/runlmconfig” -install -lang en-us Problems were encountered running the licensing configuration. ======== install_licconfig.log: ========= *** CONFIRMING THAT PORT 1084 IS FREE… …The port is free. *** ATTEMPTING TO START THE TOMCAT SERVER, IF IT’S NOT RUNNING… …Using JRE from the following location: /home/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/java/linx64 …FATAL ERROR: The Tomcat server did not start correctly. Please check the Tomcat log files. The licensing configuration cannot continue until this issue is resolved. Exiting. *** Exiting the configuration with exit code 2 *** ===========
January 25, 2023 at 7:28 amFAQParticipant
The Tomcat process is needed for the new (from R16.0 onward) License Management Center. Sometimes on Linux systems, the License Manager installation will fail at the configuration stage with an error message that the Tomcat service could not be run. This is caused by the failure of the installation process (permissions, files in use, …) to move all the binaries from the folder /home/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/linx64/update up one level to /home/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/linx64. Resolution: This can be resolved by finishing the installation manually as follows: 1) execute the following command to find any “ansys” process already running: ps -ef | grep ansys 2) stop them or kill them using their PID: kill -9 PID 3) go to “/home/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/linx64/update” and move all binaries in this folder to one level up with the command : mv * .. 4) if you want, in “/home/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing” folder, create a backup folder (for example “backup-date”) in order to save the log files in this backup folder : mv license.log* backup-date mv ansysli_server.log* backup-date 5) check that the license file is correct using: more /home/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/license_files/ansyslmd.lic 6) check that the initialization file is correct using: more /home/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/ansyslmd.ini 7) start the ANSYS License Manager using: ./start_ansysli The License Manager should start normally.
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