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POLYFLOW: ERROR in SOLVER section 38 in inodm, Overflow : invalid elem !

    • FAQFAQ

      A calculation stops with the error message “ERROR in SOLVER section 38 in inodm, Overflow : invalid elem !” at the end of an evolution step. What is happening? When this message appears at the end of an evolution step, the possible trouble is that the solver tries to write output files for a non-simply connected boundary line. A convenient remedy consists of running the POLYDATA session with the keyword “NO_CURVE_OUTPUT” in a .p3rc file so that the creation of such “curv” output file is skipped. If running in POLYMAN, select the simulation and click on Tools > Options > Polyflow. In the box that appears, under “Modify .p3rc configuration file”, add NO_CURVE_OUTPUT and run the simulation If running in Workbench environment, right click on Solution cell and click on Preferences > Polyflow. In the box that appears, under “Modify .p3rc configuration file”, add NO_CURVE_OUTPUT and run the simulation If running simulations in standalone mode, then create a .p3rc file containing NO_CURVE_OUTPUT and launch the POLYFLOW calculation with the command polyflow –s .p3rc output.lst