

POLYFLOW: Error in CREPRO: only 200 PROB1 blocks are permitted in PROBLS block

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      A simulation involving several subdomains (and remeshings) is aborted with the following error message: “only 200 PROB1 blocks are permitted in PROBLS block, a serious internal error occured in CREPRO” Why is that and what can be done? For 2D and 3D multidomain calculations, a large number of internal problems are created especially for remeshing. Other ones are added for post-processing purposes. These can be skipped by using the keyword NO_AUTO_POSTPRO in the POLYDATA session. This can thus reduce the number of internal problems and possibly overcome the trouble. If running in POLYMAN, select the simulation and click on Tools > Options > Polyflow. In the box that appears, under “Modify .p3rc configuration file”, add the keyword NO_AUTO_POSTPRO If running in Workbench environment, right click on Solution cell and click on Preferences > Polyflow. In the box that appears, under “Modify .p3rc configuration file”, add the keyword NO_AUTO_POSTPRO If running simulations in standalone mode, then create a .p3rc file containing the keyword NO_AUTO_POSTPRO and launch the POLYFLOW calculation with the command polyflow –s .p3rc output.lst