

On a Windows 7 operating system. Design Modeler crashes, ANSYS Mechanical displays a grey screen.

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      Check the following Windows registry key HKCRCLSID{F414C260-6AC0-11CF-B6D1-00AA00BBBB58}InprocServer32(Default) On Windows 7 machines where Design Modeler and ANSYS Mechanical run OK, this will normally have a value of, C:Windowssystem32JScript.dll If instead it has a value of, C:Program FilesCommon FilesMcAfeeSystemCoreScriptSn.20131230181528.dll This can indicate the McAfee scriptscan has been enabled on the machine and is preventing the ANSYS software from running Javascript. Ask the team who maintain the computer. If your security policy permits the McAfee setting to be changed. To allow the ANSYS executable, ansyswbu.exe, to access Javascript.