

Is it possible to monitor data during a run on a surface that doesn’t coincide with the geometry or mesh interface? Is it possible to calculate expressions on this surface during the run?

    • FAQFAQ

      We have the following two videos that show how to monitor data on a user surface in CFD-Post during a run. These surfaces are essentially point clouds so they don’t have connectivity data. Because of this it’s not possible to create an expression based on a user surface and monitor it in Solver Manager. For example, you couldn’t monitor areaAve(Temperature)@User Surface 1 in the Solver Manager. In order to monitor a quantity like areaAve, you would need to cut the geometry and have a mesh interface where you want to calculate the areaAve. User Locations in Transient Simulations Note that to create a User Surface, you can load a pre-existing .res or the .def into CFD-Post, then create a Plane, then go to File > Export > Export and select Type = Geometry only for the plane. Real-Time Solution Monitoring