Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer

How to fix issue related to error message? WriteLong: write data set length failed: what=S/CsFactor where=ZIF11

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      The following error message might occur in the Partitioner run of CFX: +——————————————————————–+ | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | Message: | | writeOffset: offset 3610064795 too large for integer, would be written as -684902501. Possibly a dataset >2Gb. +——————————————————————–+ +——————————————————————–+ | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | Message: | iocnt: can’t write dataset length +——————————————————————–+ +——————————————————————–+ | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | Message: | | WriteLong: write data set length failed: what=S/CsFactor where=ZIF11 +——————————————————————–+ +——————————————————————–+ | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | Message: | Stopped in routine WriteLong_new +——————————————————————–+ A potential issue is the size of an GGI interface. For each interface a dataset is created to store the connection info between the interface sides. For extremely larger interfaces, by number of faces, the dataset might hit the int32 limit. This limit will get removed in a future version. Current workaround is to split the GGI interface into multiple GGI interfaces.