Multiphase Flows

Multiphase Flows

How to activate the Non-Iterative Time Advancement Algorithm (NITA) from ANSYS Fluent Text User Interface?

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      It is intuitive to search for a way to activate the Non-Iterative Time Advancement Algorithm (NITA) under the Text User Interface (TUI) menu “solve”. However, under “solve” and precisely under “solve/set/nita-expert-controls/” one can adjust some advanced NITA settings and have access to the new Hybrid NITA framework. In order to activate NITA, one has to go to the “define” menu. Here along with “models” there is an option to enable NITA. In a nutshell: 1/To enable NITA from TUI: /define/models/noniterative-time-advance? Yes 2/To access advanced NITA settings: /solve/set/nita-expert-controls