April 11, 2023 at 11:48 am
Watch & Learn
ParticipantThese video tutorials will expand your learning with ANSYS Discovery AIM with content specific to mechanical design. Structural Tutorials begins with an introductions to the guided workflow and the the following videos dive deeper into more advanced simulations and control.
1) Structural Simulation: Learn the basics of how to setup, solve and visualize the results of a structural simulation.
2) Structural Assembly Brace: Learn how to setup a structural simulation of a small brace assembly by specifying inputs, contact conditions and material. See how to mesh and visual the stress and deformation in the model due to loading.
3) Structural Assembly Manual Meshing: Learn how to set meshing controls in a structural simulation of a simply assembly to properly refine the mesh in the appropriate areas. This video shows how to capture areas of detail and points of interest while minimizing processing time.
4) Insertion Force Prediction: Learn how to simulate the insertion of a plastic buckle in order to predict insertion forces, using non-linear contact between the 2 bodies.

Introducing Ansys Electronics Desktop on Ansys Cloud
The Watch & Learn video article provides an overview of cloud computing from Electronics Desktop and details the product licenses and subscriptions to ANSYS Cloud Service that are...

How to Create a Reflector for a Center High-Mounted Stop Lamp (CHMSL)
This video article demonstrates how to create a reflector for a center high-mounted stop lamp. Optical Part design in Ansys SPEOS enables the design and validation of multiple...

Introducing the GEKO Turbulence Model in Ansys Fluent
The GEKO (GEneralized K-Omega) turbulence model offers a flexible, robust, general-purpose approach to RANS turbulence modeling. Introducing 2 videos: Part 1Â provides background information on the model and a...

Postprocessing on Ansys EnSight
This video demonstrates exporting data from Fluent in EnSight Case Gold format, and it reviews the basic postprocessing capabilities of EnSight.
- Discovery Live: How to change units
- Discovery AIM tutorial – 3D Finite-Element Analysis of a Bike Crank
- Discovery SpaceClaim: Getting Started Tutorials
- Discovery AIM tutorial – Analysis of cantilever beam with I cross-section
- FAQ: Missing Areas of the User Interface in Discovery Live
- Convert 2D Drawings to 3D Models in Minutes with SpaceClaim
- Discovery AIM – Scaling deformation contour results
- Creating a Helical Geometry in SpaceClaim
- Project Text to 3D Geometry in SpaceClaim
- Discovery AIM tutorial – Structural Analysis of Plate with Hole
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