

Coordinate system used for the shell element stresses shown in ELOUT and D3PLOT.

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      The stresses of a shell element written in the file ELOUT are by default in the local coordinate system of the shell element. This system is updated with time as described in Section 9 of the LS-DYNA Theory Manual. On the contrary, the element stresses written in the history database of D3PLOT are in the global coordinate system by default. To adjust this and have the stresses written either with respect to the shell local, the global, or the material coordinate system, the flags EOCS of *CONTROL_OUTPUT and CMPFLG of *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY can be specified for ELOUT and D3PLOT, respectively, according to the LS-DYNA Keyword Manual Vol. I. The material coordinate system is applicable only for the materials that include the AOPT field.