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Wave Elevation Input and Data Export for Generated Wave in AQWA 2023 R1

    • mdti

      I am conducting a comparison of cable tension between two different software applications under irregular wave-only conditions. To do this, I imported a wave elevation time series from another software into AQWA using a WHT file, as outlined on page 184 of the AQWA Reference Manual 2023 R1. My understanding from the documentation is that AQWA constructs a wave spectrum from the .WHT file and generates irregular waves from it. In this process, it assigns random phases to each (regular) wave component to simulate irregular sea conditions.

      Now, I would like to know if I can export the irregular wave time series generated by AQWA from the WHT file. This would allow me to compare the wave profiles in the time domain between the two software solutions. I would appreciate any guidance on how to achieve this.

    • Yu Bi
      Ansys Employee

      You can add the Wave Surface Elevation result to the Solution after completing the Hydrodynamic Response analysis. In the detail panel of "Parameters Vs Time," where the wave surface elevation is located underneath, there is an "Export CSV File" option that allows you to export the wave surface elevation results. These results represent the incident wave elevation without considering diffraction or radiation effects.

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