General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Unable to create a path of a specific user defined results (archard wear)

    • michele.russo11


      I'm doing an analysis on an aluminum block that is pressed with a certain pressure and made to slide on a steel surface alternately. The purpose of the analysis is to understand how much it heats up and how much wear there is. I've enabled Archard wear model and now i'm able to extract with a user defined result command some wear results. Now I would like to create a path to be able to place these results in space, for example to observe the variation of wear along the x or y direction. I've already know how to create a path and extract some "regular" result, what i'm not capable of is extracting archard wear on a path. 

      thank you, best regards

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      If Archard wear is a contact result that would be the reason.  Mechanical does not map any contact result to a path.  

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