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Surface integrals wrong when calculating the Area

    • corentin.roth


      I'm curretly working on fluent, and i was trying to calculate the Area of my 2D geometry. I know its surface from DesignModeler (8158 mm²). But i wanted to use the tool "Surface integrals". When i use this tool, the result is 17m² (approx). I triple checked every dimensions of my geometry, I even used the ruler in Fluent to determine if wether it had the good dimensions or not. I guess if the area calculated by "surface integrals" is wrong, the volumetric flow rate is also wrong etc.. So I was wondering if anybody could help me to solve this issue.


      Sincerly !

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee


      Please check the reference values again. To map the 3D to 2D, you need to input reference values correctly.

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