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streamlines and isotherms in ansys fluent

    • omar ennaya

      hello everyone

      How can i get streamlines and isotherms at each instance in fluent?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      By plotting them? I don't understand what you're after. 

      • omar ennaya

        i wanna see the isotherms at 100s and at 300s and so on.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK, then you either need to use TUI commands combined with Execute Commands in Fluent set to trigger at the time step during the run, or do the post processing after the run is complete either manually with each data set or by using a journal to do it. 

      • omar ennaya

        it's better to do it after the run is complete. but i couldn't got you ...how can i use a journal is it a command?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Journal file - a text file containing a load of commands. If you're doing an action a few times it's generally quicker to do it manually, so read case & data, do post processing, read next case & data etc. For many files writing a journal is often more efficient. 

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