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SIWave parallel plate capacitor simulation

    • Dracarys99

      Reading on the internet, I see that it is possible to simulate a PCB modelling it as a large parallel plate capacitor and obtain the Impedance vs Frequency plots, where we can see the "spikes" towards the left side of the graph, something like this:-

    • manny
      Ansys Employee
      Hi Dracarys99,nInstead of SIwave, Q3D Extractor is an appropriate choice for parallel plate capacitor simulation. Ansys Q3D Extractor can extract RLCG parameters after performing 2D and 3D quasi-static electromagnetic field simulations. Good luck!nBest,nManny.n
    • Dracarys99
      nI tried HFSS and Q3D. In both cases, I made a 50mmx50mm parallel plate capacitor with 2mm of FR4 dielectric in between. I get the capacitance value correct, but I think I have to use the DrivenModal solution type in HFSS for getting the impedance vs freqeuncy plot like I mentioned above. Also, I can't get how to assign (and where) a lumped port, I think I have to use this as well. nIt will helpful if you outline the process of getting the graph I need (as I mentioned above) in Q3D (or in HFSS).nThank you.n
    • Dracarys99
      I want to get a result like this n
    • Dracarys99
    • Dracarys99
      For this problem I am getting the correct capacitance but the impedance vs frequency graph that I plot has an exponentially decaying to zero curve, nothing like the graph I need (posted above). What am I doing wrong?n
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