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SIWave model import issue

    • hanjt24

      I have a power chip parallel DBC board assembly module built in SolidWorks, which  contains simple wire bonding, and I want to analyze its DC IR drop. Can I use SIWave for this? It seems that the MCAD file exported from SolidWorks and the ECAD file required by SIWave are not compatible.😭

    • Yang Zhao
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Hanj,


      You are correct. ECAD is more suitable for SIwave. You may consider using Q3D Extractor instead.

      Q3D Extractor can load MCAD model and extract RLGC at both DC and AC frequencies. Q3D is widely used in the design of power module products (such as, IGBT and Busbar).




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