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Pyfluent python module: WT workflow- default values

    • smad0004

      Hi, Im using the watertight module of pyfluent and need to retrieve default values of the task parameters like the size (variable name: 'BOISize') of face size in the "Apply Local Sizings" task.

      How do i retrieve default values?

      working code so far:

      session = pyfluent.launch_fluent(mode="meshing", precision="double")
      #Meshing Workflow
       workflow = session.workflow
       workflow.InitializeWorkflow(WorkflowType="Watertight Geometry")
       workflow.TaskObject['Import Geometry'].Arguments = {
                  'FileFormat': 'CAD', #[CAD, Mesh]
                  'ImportType': 'Single File', # ['Single File', 'Multiple Files']
                  'LengthUnit': 'mm', # ['mm', 'm', 'cm', 'in', 'ft', 'um', 'nm']
                  'UseBodyLabels': 'No', # ['No', 'Yes']
                  'FileName': f'{file_path}
      workflow.TaskObject["Import Geometry"].Execute()
      add_local_sizing = self.workflow.TaskObject["Add Local Sizing"]


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a look on here https://github.com/ansys  That's all I (as staff) can suggest. 

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