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Maxwell 2D solver error

    • lhj9509

      Hi, I got this error at simulation

      Maxwell2d solver, process solver2d exited with code -1073741819


      I encountered this error with my custom made magnet material, which has custom defiened virgin B-H curve and calculated whool hysteresis loop with that.


      How can I solve this?


      *I think it is not the problem of the memory, it is sufficient for run simulation.

      *The file name is short enough and I also tried to change file name of mkl_avx2 but it doesn't work.

    • Ivonne Marti
      Ansys Employee


      Please verify that your setup for the Hysteresis model is correct. There are not values in Hci and Br. You can find detailed information in the Help around the topic Core Loss: Hysteresis model

      Also check that the BH curve you are introducing contains enough consecutive points.


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