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Inverse design in terahertz band cannot obtain FOM

    • fachienchong

      Hello everyone,

      I’ve been working on designing a vortex beam to waveguide mode converter in my FDTD simulation. Here’s a quick overview of the setup:

      - The vortex beam is imported as a surface light source.
      - A waveguide mode monitor is used to observe the final optimized Figure of Merit (FOM).
      - The simulation is 2D, and I control the dielectric constant generation on the surface during the process.

      The problem is that during the optimization process, the modeling doesn't successfully return the FOM, and I’m unsure what’s causing this issue. Has anyone encountered a similar situation or have any suggestions on what might be going wrong?

      Any insights or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Currently it supports only the waveguide mode. If your waveguide support such beam, it should be found as a waveguide mode. If it does not support, you may need to decompose it into a series waveguide modes, and optimize the dominant mode. Right now it is based on single mode operation.

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