LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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How to view “crack patterns” after solution


    • Fernando Torres

      Hi dear community, I'm interested in viewing crack-patterns for a low velocity impact of a multilayered glass. Simulation has been normally terminated. MAT_280 has been used for glass layers with Rankine failure (default), and MAT_076 has been used for interlayers. 

      I've tried to use some cards like q = d3crack, or Q=crack and inside keyword editor I've also opted for *binaryd3crack but I'm not sure if I've used those cards properly enough as the output crack file have 0 size on disk.

      I'll be thanful if provided the "solution" or an alternate way out. Thanks :)
      (using LS-Dyna stu, LS-prepost )

    • Alex R.
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Fernando, 

      The D3CRACK file is usually used with Winfrith concrete model (*MAT_084/085). 


      For MAT_280 the crack directions are displayed ploting history variables. Please see Keyword Manual II - MAT_280 Remarks 9 and 11 

      History variables are explanied here: 

      Please see this paper about laminated glass modeling:

      Thank you,


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