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how to use the nonconformal mesh in fluentmeshing?


    • jackhc0609

      "I am using Fluent Meshing to model and simulate a heat exchanger. I represented the solid wall of the heat exchanger with a thin wall using a single face, and I also imported the file for the heat exchanger shell. My idea is to use the thin wall to split the heat exchanger shell, and then use the intersect operation to create two fluid domains. In this way, the two fluid domains created would share common nodes. However, my requirement is to generate two fluid domains where the heat exchange surfaces do not share nodes. How should I proceed with this? I tried clicking on 'Non Conformal' as shown in the picture, but I don’t know what to set up afterward, and failed non-conformal.(The aim is to use the interface,often my model boundary layers are hard to generate!)

    • jackhc0609

      I wanna use the intertfaces to obtain conjugate heat transfer. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      We'd usually mesh that as conformal and set the zones as fluid/solid depending on what they were. 

    • jackhc0609

      But how could  I mesh the two conformal fluid volume into non-conformal mesh as the figure shows in the left red rectabngle(non-conformal)! I am really hard to generate the oundary layers in my model. I eagerly to want the interfaces !Thanks!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Why do you need an interface? Please read Fluent's boundary types carefully: interface isn't the same as interior which isn't the same as a wall. 

    • jackhc0609

      But could the nonconformal button in the figure works? 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That's the quad-tet transition. Which workflow are you using?

      • jackhc0609


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a look at the tutorials and Watertight workflow. 

    • jackhc0609

      AreCan you give some more specific chapters? Am I looking right? Can you use watertight mode to make two fluid grids separate nodes?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Do the tutorials. https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/public/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/main_page.html?lang=en  You can make nonconformal meshes that way, but I think you may want to rethink that approach. 

    • jackhc0609

      Could you give me a more specific section of the help document? The link you gave me looks like this when I open it

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You could try Fluent, as that's where the Meshing tool is. 

      • jackhc0609

        could you provide more information about how the watertight mode mesh the non-conformal mesh?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      There is a reason for there being tutorials, and a User's Guide. You've still not explained why you need nonconformal over a conformal mesh. 

      • jackhc0609


        Due to the model is hard to generate boundary layers (fixed the mesh intersetion and proxiemity by move the node may lead to sharp edges which lead to the difficulty for generating the boundary layer),So  i prefer to  non-conformal interface mode .


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