October 2, 2024 at 3:30 am
SubscriberHi all,
I am studying optical phased array applications, and I want to use the far-field results calculated by FDTD as the source in Zemax.
The FDTD simulation schematic and far-field results (monitor located 30 nm above the antenna) are shown below.
I referred to the zbfwrite - Script command – Ansys Optics script command in the Ansys Optics documentation and tried to modify the script as shown below:
f = getdata("above", "f");
lambda = c / f;
x_monitor = getdata("above", "x");
y_monitor = getdata("above", "y");
z_monitor = getdata("above", "z");
x = pinch(x_monitor);
y = pinch(y_monitor);
Ex = getdata("above", "Ex");
Ey = getdata("above", "Ey");
Ez = getdata("above", "Ez");
Ex = pinch(Ex, 3, 1);
Ey = pinch(Ey, 3, 1);
Ez = pinch(Ez, 3, 1);
M = rectilineardataset("E", x, y, z_monitor);
M.addparameter("lambda", lambda);
M.addattribute("E", Ex, Ey, Ez);
zbfwrite("testfile.zbf", M);
Currently, I can only export the near-field results, but I don't know how to modify the script to export the far-field results to a ZBF file.
By the way, I also referred to both topics, Patterned OLED – Ansys Optics and Patterned OLED – Ansys Optics, which save FDTD results into a format that can be imported into OpticStudio. However, the export files did not involve ZBF profiles, so I'm confused about this.
October 3, 2024 at 9:08 am
Niki Papachristou
Ansys EmployeeHi Kenny,
Thank you for reaching out to us! May I refer you to this article:Â ZBF Import\Export?
I think you case falls into what is stated here:Â
Hence I think you need to use farfieldexact - Script command before zbfwrite - Script command.
I think this Application Gallery example is using this concept: Integrated microlens and grating coupler for photonic integrated circuits
I hope this was helpful but let me know if you have any further questions.
Kind Regards,
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