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How to include distributed dipoles inside a photonic structure?

    • sagar

      I want to a multiples dipoles inside a photonic structure in a statistical distribution. Please suggest how to do that.

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee
      If you mean random spatial location, amplitude, phase, polarization, please refer the bandstructure simulation examples:
      You can also set the number of dipoles to be random. Please refer the script
      rand - Script command
      randn - Script command
      In general, all the dipoles are inside a group, so you can modify the example script in "dipole _ cloud" to meet your needs.
    • sagar
      thanks for the reply. In my simulation, I want to place around 100 dipoles within the photonic structure and they will be distributed in particular directions and with particular separations. How would I build such type of distribution? In "dipole_cloud" option, I am able to place multiple dipoles but could not change the individual dipole's property.
    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee
      Then you will need to modify the dipole-cloud script after familiarizing the script setting dipole.
      When a dipole is just added, you can set its spatial location, polarization etc.
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