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Heave get negative

    • nhanani4

      hi. Im new ansys user.

      I want to ask if can give suggestion where did i do wrong that get the heave  negative?did it correct the heave motion of floating structure is at structure motion> asctual response> global z?


      1. or did i put the mooring point at structure at the bottom of structure is not correct?

      2. or the data calculation for axial stiffness is problem?

      thank for helping me

    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      Getting the heave negative may not be a problem. It just indicates that the COG z-position is below water surface in the time domain analysis.

      Please check the followings:

      (1) the global coordinate system's origin is defined at the mean water level and z-axis points upwards.

      (2) from Hydrodynamic Diffraction -> Solution -> Hydrostatic, check if Ceter of Gravity Position is what you expect.

      (3) from Hydrodynamic Diffraction -> Solution -> Hydrostatic, check if Actual Volumetric Displacement is nearly the same as Equivalent Volumetric Displacement.

      (4) from Hydrodynamic Diffraction -> Solution -> Hydrostatic, check if horizontal position (x,y) of Center of Buoyancy to be nearly the same as that of Center of Gravity position.

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