3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Geometry referencing ACP(Pre)

    • Chris Fischer

      Dear forum,

      unfortunately, I haven't found anything on this subject and my own investigations have not led to the desired result.
      The question is whether there is a possibility to use the thickness of the laminate resulting from the ACP(Pre) module as a reference for modelling possible attachments on it? The background could come from two directions:
      1. i would like to model a body on the laminate, which would have to move automatically when the laminate thickness changes.
      2. the cross-section of the laminate thickness should be used as a cross-section, e.g. to cut out exactly this area from a solid.

      I have tried to import the data from the ACP(Pre) into a new geometry. Then select the cross-section from the ACP output via a sketch projection in Discovery and then use this to cut out the material in a solid. If I calculate a new DP and change the layer structure, it unfortunately does not update the cross-sectional area. I assume that the reason is the sketch projection, which is not easily updated. Do you know of any ways to ensure this referencing in conjunction with ACP(Pre)?

      Many thanks for your help and best regards


    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Chris,

      Are you extruding the solid model in ACP(Pre)? By using the solid model, it should update properly.

      Let me know if this helps or not.



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